Mission: We prepare all students for a successful life.
Vision: Creating Futures, Leading and Learning for All.
Values: Caring, Fairness, Empathy, Responsibility, Honesty, Resilience, Respect and Perseverance.
At Perth Collegiate, we create a school climate conducive to achievement.
Within our community, we strive to instill the knowledge, skills and values students
need to become self‑reliant, responsible, inquisitive adults.
Our Beliefs:
Our school is a place to learn; learning is a shared responsibility among students, staff, family and community.
Our school environment should be safe and secure, both physically and emotionally.
All students have the right to a high standard of education regardless of abilities.
People are entitled to fair and patient treatment, fostering a tone of respect, trust and caring. It is every student’s right to be treated in this manner and every student’s responsibility to behave in this way.
School spirit and participation in extra-curricular activities enhance the growth of all members of the school community.
Developing and supporting our school policies is a shared responsibility among students, staff, family and community.
Open and honest communication must occur among the students, staff, family and community.
Our school programs should be inviting and accessible to our community.
Our school should prepare individuals for a future of lifelong learning.