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Principal's Message
Welcome to Perth and District Collegiate Institute!

Perth and District Collegiate Institute is a community-oriented hub with a long-standing tradition of academic excellence, athletic distinction, community-mindedness, creativity and innovation.   PDCI is dedicated to developing in students the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to become confident, responsible citizens.

Teachers, educational assistants, support staff and administrators at PDCI strive to work as a team to support every student
’s academic success.  The staff partners with parents, community organizations and businesses to promote the social, emotional and academic development of students and to foster individual student talents and interests.

We support our board-wide "Character Always" initiative through modelling and fostering respect, caring, empathy, fairness, honesty, resilience, perseverance and responsibility throughout our daily operations.

PDCI has so much to offer our students.   We lead the way in community-connected experiential learning with the most Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs in the UCDSB and an extremely impressive SHSM red seal rate for our graduates.  SHSM programs allow students to not only receive a first-class education catering to a student’s interests and strengths, but also to participate in a variety of experiential learning opportunities and certifications that best prepare students for work/post-secondary education in a variety of sectors.

PDCI has so much to offer our students, including a vibrant cooperative education program, a full-sized auditorium, two gymnasiums, and a multitude of leadership opportunities for students both in the school and in the community.   Home to the "Blue Devils", our students participate in a variety of extracurricular and intramural sports and clubs.  PDCI enjoys a long-standing history of athletic, musical and dramatic excellence in the community and it continues to build on this great reputation by working hard to meet the evolving needs of students, families, and the community.

Perth and District Collegiate Institute is a proud member of the Perth and area community and we welcome you to be a part of our school community!

Val Horsfall, Principal

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